The data controller is the Tabacco publishing company Srl, with registered offices in via Enrico Fermi 78 – fraz. Feletto Umberto - Tavagnacco (UD).
Contact details for the data controller: Tel 0432.573822 e-mail:
The data controller has appointed as External Data Processors, to take care of the management and maintenance of the IT system and of the company's websites, the following companies: Moltiplika srl, Asia srl and Infofactory Srl. For further information, please contact the data controller at the above address or telephone number.
When you join the Community, the following information is processed:
- 1. name, surname and e-mail address, to complete registration on the site and enable you to take part in community life, sharing your excursions and publishing events, comments, suggestions, etc.;
- 2. photos, videos and other personal data that you may include in the excursions, events, comments and suggestions sections;
- 3. other information, such as date of birth, favourite sports, website, etc. (marked on the registration form as non-obligatory) to customize web services;
- 4. name, surname and e-mail address, to send you advertising and commercial communications regarding the proprietor's activities;
- 5. name, surname and e-mail address, to send you advertising and commercial communications from the proprietor's partners.
Provision of data in fields marked with an asterisk (*) is obligatory, and without it, it will not be possible for you to complete registration and take part in the Community. Unmarked fields are optional, as the data requested is not indispensable in order to fulfil the above purposes: if you do not provide this data, you will still be able to take part in the Community.
Regarding the activities specified in points 4) and 5), you will be asked to express your explicit consent, without which the data will not be processed.